Sunday, March 15, 2009

Putting Pictures on SGP Flickr Map Info

Okay, I had a really hard time putting my photos on the map just because i had missed a step. This is to help you guys avoid that...

1. Alright, you have pics on your flickr right?
2. Alright when you click on one of your photos, does it say where it was taken?
(if not, you need to add it to the map)
To Add To Map...
a.Okay click on the pic you want (make sure it says that it is available to Anyone) and look under Additional Info
b.Click Add to your map (check on that page and make sure that you have a Green square that says Anyone will be able to see it. If not, click Edit and change it. This allows your map to be public.)
c.Type your location in
d.Click Save to Map when it gets there.
e.It should add it to your map now
*Be sure that you select Anyone when it asks who can see the picture*
(If you have already added it to the map, but had it under something other than Everyone, simply select Edit and change it)
3. Then go to SGP Streetteam Group (be sure you are already a member)
4. Then to Group Pool
5. Then Add photos or videos
6. Then under Your Photostream click All your items (not your pictures, but the actual button)
7. Then click all geotagged items (Geotagged items are the pictures that you saved to your map-they have a location)
8. Now just select the pics you want and hit Add to Group

SoGoPro Street Team-

*If your pictures show up on the group page but not on the map try...
1. Make absolutely sure you made every picture Public for Anyone.
(Remember-you have to do it twice:
1. when you first upload it
2. when you add it to your map)

If you have any questions, just pop in the Chat and someone should be able to figure it out.
Hope this helps you guys. :)

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